Tuesday, August 13, 2013


God is teaching me patience.  I fail, but He still is trying to get me to have it.

We are still not in our new house.  I guess its only been 30 days since our bid was accepted, but it seems like twice as long.  We have been out of our old home for almost a month and the waiting has been unbearable!  Oh the patience.... 

 I just want to get in, get our stuff in, and get going on with our lives.  We have been in a limbo.  I don't think I will ever do this again.  *sigh*  Patience Kim, Patience.....

I am dreaming of how I will set up our spaces.  Bear needs to be in a stable environment as well, with space to play.  Oh how sad I sound....  I know with all my being how blessed we are and how I need to use this time for better things....

So I plod along, praying that tomorrow we will have good news that we will be signing on our new home.  Praying that the patience I so need comes swiftly.  That I wait upon the Lord for all things without putting my finger in the pie.

Life will resume, we will look back on this time as a learning adventure.  It shall pass. I am learning...  I am growing....  Yes, it will pass as I wait upon God.





  1. Thank you for sharing this :) I'm in a season of waiting right now and some day's it seems like I am the only one in the world that God is telling to wait and it can be so discouraging. Your post is a wonderful reminder to me about my attitude should be during this time of waiting :) Hope you have a wonderful and blessed day!

    1. Thank you. God is really good and does provide for us. just today something surprising happened and I was struck dumb with emotion. God cares and will provide.


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