Thursday, August 2, 2012

I give thanks..

Thankful Notes.  I have always really enjoyed getting a small note in the mail (old fashioned but I think its a lost art... writing and buying a stamp and then mailing the letter, yeah a lost art...).  So how come I think God doesn't enjoy it as well?  I think He does. 

This week I am thankful for miracles.  Even if they haven't occurred yet, I am thankful for them.  We serve an awesome God who is mighty, powerful, just, and loving.  If it be in our best interests He will grant us our petitions.  I have witnessed miracles and can attest to their existence.  God is so good, even when we don't believe in Him.  Before becoming a Christian I look back now and can see God working in my life.  I could deny it, but I would be lying. 

I read a quote this week by Joni E Tada and it said "Faith isn't the ability to believe long and far into the misty future. It's simply taking God at His Word and taking the next step."  I think people that question how one can have faith neglects this understanding.  With that understanding comes more faith or belief (same as faith). 

Everyone has faith.  I want to say that again, EVERYONE HAS FAITH.  It might not be a faith in God the Father in Heaven, but they have faith.  The key is to put our faith where it must be.  Even those of us that claim to have faith in God can really put our faith in a basket not labeled with His name.  Are we putting faith in a spouse more than God?  In our own abilities?  In our job and the finicky boss?  Who do you put your faith in?

Get your faith solid on a firm foundation and go forward from there.  Each day visit your faith, renew it and pray for it.

I am thankful for just 2 weeks left of summer classes.

I am thankful for my garden, and yes even those bushels of kale. 

How about you?  Have you visited your Thankful Tree today?

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