Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sweet peas and onions

So we have started to TRY to be a bit more strict with bed time.  Lately when Bear does take a nap it's been at 5pm or so, and then she is so sleepy you can't keep her awake with out a bath. Last night I managed to keep her awake through that push and we ate at a decent time since Bob was off early and she was asleep by 7:45 pm.  BUT, backfire......  up before 6 am this morning.  Mommy didn't go to bed at 8pm so mommy was sleepy!  Tonight because of Little Gym bedtime was more like 9pm (Thursdays are light meals when we get home--ie cereal).  For nap today, she actually fell asleep during her Clifford show and well, instead of catching up, I fell asleep too.  LOL

Ballet May 25, 2011  They are little Starfish!

We had a busy day.  Thursday generally are.  This has been a great week though, all things considered.  Helped my mom move some things Monday.  Tuesday we had a day at home and planted our peppers and most of our tomatoes (I need more soil for those since we are attempting to grow them in containers this year).  Then on Wednesday we had a homeschool art project with new friends that homeschool and today we hosted our Thursday homeschool group with a ride on the Tacoma monorail and a morning spent at the children's museum and the Broadway Farmers Market.  Sarah was too shy to talk with a trumpet player we met, even though she still says after more than a year that she wants to play the trumpet. 
Sarah is the last little starfish!

This weekend we have sorting for a sale, a birthday party and a trip to Seattle sometime to Fort Lawton.  Sarah is really beginning to know about the American flag (we have slowly when interest is there) been teaching her about planets, continents, states, towns and counties.  It's slow but she does know what planet, Continent, etc we live in.  She is only three though.  LOL 

In Little Gym Sarah did the high bar on the uneven bars!  She said after wards, "Mommy it was scary, but i did it."  She was so proud of herself!  Of course ballet is going well.  She has had one dress rehearsal and her next one is June 5th and she preforms June 10 and 11.  I can't believe how grown up she is getting.  Such a joy, in her adventurous way! 

Other news from the garden:  Our raddishes are coming up and we have also planted onions.  :-)

Happy Tending,

Outside my window... A light drizzle is falling...
I am thinking... About people and things and how lucky I am despite everything.

I am thankful for... A home, loved ones

I am wearing...clothes.

I am remembering... All the things I will need to get done in the next few weeks.....
I am going... SLOW DOWN (the above will hopefully help this!)

I am currently reading... Not much.

I am hoping... For a good nights sleep.  Simple!  :-)

On my mind... Changes......  maybe .....
Noticing that... Rainbows really excite Bear

Pondering these words... Pausing to listen to an airplane in the sky, stooping to watch a ladybug on a plant, sitting on a rock to watch the waves crash over the quayside—children have their own agendas and timescales. As they find out more about their world and their place in it; they work hard not to let adults hurry them. We need to hear their voices.   Cathy Nutbrown--Contemporary British educational theorist   ----yes the need to slow down and not expect our child to keep with our agenda is great.  This doesn't mean we cater to their every whim, but rather we enjoy the world God created.  We enjoy the lady bug on the leaf or the way the sun plays "peek a bo" through the clouds. 

From the kitchen... the hum of the ceiling fan 

Around the house... coupons that need filed!
One of my favorite things…My daughter's grin.

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