Monday, May 30, 2011


Several years ago we had a chore list and I thought it went well and but somehow it fell by the way side.  Several months ago I asked Bob if we should start another one to keep us on track and he said he always felt stressed with it on the days that I worked.  So I put it on the back burner.  Lately though, something has to give.  I don't want a pristine home, just one that I can walk through and for me I work much better with lists.  I like to be able to look and see what I need to be doing and feel accomplishment when I can check something off.  So last week I created a new and improved simple task list.  Very simple, I think, and Saturday we discussed it. 

Yes, agreements have been made.  We are both on the same page!  My explanation that I am not asking for pristine was the key.  I don't want any of us to stress.  We have a home that is lived in by a family.  That means the floor might be messy, the walls may have fingerprints sometimes and dust bunnies might live a while under the couch. 

Along with that chore list is the idea of a menu.  I will be making four weekly menus....  one for each week of the month and will change them seasonally.  Trying to base it on what the garden is producing and what we have in the pantry.  Yes, I am gaining some enlightenment as I tend to the "garden" that I call home.

Please, leave your comments and ideas.  I would love to hear them!

Happy Tending

We will never forget!

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