Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sunshine and Lilacs

Our lilacs are in full bloom and the scent is intoxicating.  We enjoyed them all morning while we planted our garden.  Speaking of which we ran out of room!  I am already dreaming of the harvest and praying we do well.  Tending the garden with care much like we tend to our children and how God tends to us, even when we don't think He is.  We water the seeds, we teach our children and He guides our walk and paths even if we think we are outside of His view.  If you are meant to walk with Him, you will.  You can either walk the easy path or the one with potholes.  I think mine has a lot of potholes.

Anyway, while tending both the garden and the Bear I took these today. 

Outside my window... The sun set not too long ago, happy for some sunshine the past few days.

I am thinking... Why are the days always so busy?

I am thankful for... my loved ones, the sunshine and the ability to enjoy both.

I am wearing...Pj's .....  Going to bed soon.

I am remembering... What fun it is to be young and no real big cares

I am going... to slow down.

I am currently reading... NOTHING

I am hoping... That my prayers for a fruitful harvest are fulfilled come harvest.
On my mind... What a wonderful husband I have, and I know I don't tell him often enough how great he is.

Noticing that... People are too competitive....

Pondering these words... "My mommy says..." and how one little girl loves to say that.

From the kitchen... silence

Around the house... Mariners Baseball on the TV

One of my favorite things… The lilacs in my back yard and the side of the house.

Blessed Tendings!

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