Friday, January 9, 2015

3in30: January 9

Its that time again! Time for a weekly update!

Last Friday I explained about what the 3in30 is and why its a great way to get some needed tasks accomplished. A great winter motivator, and we are able to make each other accountable! Read all about the 3in30: Vs. 2015 here...

The goals I set before myself for January were:
1) Organize my computer desk area; its become a catch all and totally not user friendly currently.
2) Organize my sewing area. Over November and December it got a bit out of hand. It needs to be tidied up a but, well OK, a lot!
3) Go through clothes and get ready to donate or toss all those unneeded.
I decided to tackle number 1 first.  I needed to because I work from home a lot with my Usborne Book business (oh you can see my web  site here if you are curious about Usborne Books & More!).

Without further ado....  here is a before picture....  I am embarrassed to even admit my desk, which is located in my bedroom no less, looked like this. Horrible and embarrassing! How can I encourage and lead other woman when my own home is littered and full of chaos. I do believe when you home is messy, I mean cluttered and messy, depression creeps in and with depression comes so many of the other things. Things like grouchy moms, biting comments from a wife toward her spouse, anger at people, pettiness, and just generally a shrewish woman. 

This is why the 3in3o is so important. This is my journey and thus begins my journey back from that messy abyss. 

Oh yeah....  BEFORE photo

 Can you see anyone being able to get ANY work done at this desk?  I can't! I had taken to working at the dinning room table, a tray in the living room, or frankly, not working. 

 Now I have to admit, I still need to sort receipts and paperwork in my box, but at least they are all in one place.  That will be a task later in the month I think.  This was actually a two day task.   Four trash bags later and I am happy with the end result.  I was actually able to help a Literacy Army member last night with a order at my desk. Right this minute I created a to do list for the weekend, and tomorrow or so I will be purchasing a calendar for quick glances as I am working. I am ready!  So if you chat with me on the phone, I am likely sitting here, with a view out the front, looking at pictures of my family while I help you with strategy as you fight illiteracy in your own way.

I would love to have you do the 3in30: vs. 2015 with me!  Link up here!

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