Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Mid Week Musings

I am grateful and thankful that I am done with a 38 page project.  I will be handing it in tomorrow.....  I am so thankful for this.....  beyond thankful.  I am rejoicing!  This has been a tough term.
Outside my window...  Rain drops.  Happy raindrops watering our earth.    

I am thinking... what must I do now that my huge report/project is done.  I am not looking at it again, I am done.  DONE.  But now all the things I have let lax by the way side are rearing up....  Dirty house, sink full of dishes, counter full of dishes, laundry for days, cluttered table tops, well I could go on.  For several nights Hubs made dinner.  I am sure he will be happy to now come home to a meal instead of coming home to make a meal.

I am thankful for... For my family.  For the love they have, even when I am stressed.

I am wearing... clothes

I am remembering... My dad.  The 15th will be 11 years. 

I am actually start cleaning soon, then this afternoon we MIGHT go build a gingerbread house.

I am currently reading... NOTHING, but I will be reading a couple new books next week.  One is Dreamlander and the other is I love Dirt. 

I am hoping... my project is WONDERFULLY received.

On my mind... Making Jam.... yeah gonna finally MAKE the time.   Plus I have several sewing projects to complete.

Noticing that... My little Bear is growing so big, but this Christmas she is really taking notice in things, even more than last Christmas.

Pondering these words... One thing at a time.

From the kitchen... soon, sounds of a dishwasher I hope.

Around the house... Letting Bear watch a show on net flicks.

One of my favorite things… Seeing all the kids yesterday having so much fun at the Homeschool Holiday Party.

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