Monday, October 1, 2012

Our Homeschool Week in Review

We took it easy last week and didn't do a WHOLE lot, although we did go on a  field trips.  Gotta love our nature trips into the outdoors.

Monday we hosted a fun little event with other kindergarten aged kiddos.  We built rafts much like we did last year.  This year we went to Nolte State Park here in WA state.  While there we talked about how trees get nutrients and the importance of a root system for trees.  Then, we used wood from downed limbs and branches to build our raft.

For building our rafts we had nothing more than our body, a hunting knife and jute twine/rope.  To keep things more simple and natural.  The biggest rule was that we could not cut anything still living. 

We finished up our adventure with a test "float" of everyone's rafts.  They floated!  That being said, each raft behaved differently so we discussed why they might behave differently and then we tested how many rocks we could put on them before the rafts would begin to sink.  Again, the rafts behaved differently and we discussed why that might be the case.

It was fun.  It made for a long day since we also had to make sure we got some playground play in there as well!  *grin*


 We made oatmeal cookies and canned tomatoes as well during the week, all in all a great off week.  Now we have colds, but we had fun last week!  *grin*

How did your week go?  Do you ever take weeks off when you need to or, if you homeschool, do you go straight through and follow a traditional school schedule?


  1. So fun! I worked at a summer camp one year and one of the camper's favorite activities was making rafts and forts from the materials they could find in the woods :) Now I am hungry for oatmeal cookies!

  2. What a great week it sound like you had. You are so Blessed to be able to spend these times with your children. Enjoy every minute! I enjoyed reading about your adventure! Have a Blessed Weekend. Blessings,


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