Thursday, October 18, 2012

A heart full

I am thankful.

I am, indeed, thankful for so much.

My heart if full of thanks.  I have so much to be thankful for.  I still need prayers for a forgiving nature but all in all I am moving forward.

I am thankful for a church family that prays for its members, even when they don't know details. 

I am thankful for a mind that can grow and learn new things, because I really need that. *grin*

I am ever thankful for my family. 

That's a lot of I's isn't it?  Well truth be told, my heart is in need voicing my thankfulness.  I benefit from this time I spend contemplating my blessings.  Blessings come in many ways, shapes, and sizes.  Even amidst a time when many hearts would be hardened, God is showing me that what might look like a rocky hill to climb has a path through the rubble.  A path that He created for me. 

So take comfort gentle friends.

Linking up today with Women Taking a Stand and Thankful Thursday



  1. Hello, thank you for sharing your blessings. It is comforting to know others are joining you in prayer.

  2. Yes, I need time to think about and voice my thanks, too. It resets my heart and lets the gifts of the Spirit radiate.


Thank you for taking a few moments to share your comments with me. It means a lot. Thank you!