Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Musings: Good Nuff

My dad use to say "good 'nuff for government work" and I find as I get older I say it too, generally when I just have to stop messing with something because I'm going crazy trying to "make it perfect" and most of the time it's already perfect and just me with the problem and not being able to let it go.

I think a lot of us have those problems.... really.  None of us want to let it go long past when we should have kissed it goodbye and good riddance.  The cake that wont rise properly, the fence post that is still, after trying and trying, just a mite off center, the paper that you labored over and still can't get exactly what you want said, said.  Well, you get the idea.  Sometimes we just need to say, with a shrug, "good nuff.  God can do the rest," and He can...  If we let Him.   

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  Philippians 4.6 
Which brings me to.....

I think I am a pretty good friend.  I try hard anyway, but lately I have decided to do my best to not worry if people don't reciprocate the friendship.  I am good nuff.  I guess I am odd, and just don't fit into the boxes that make me be the sort that others seek out to be "best friends" with. I try hard, but to no avail.  I'm not antisocial, and no one would say I am, however I am not money wealthy and I am not impressed with the "money wealth" that others may say or pretend to have.  We don't go on fancy vacations, we don't drive new fancy cars, we don't wear designer clothes, etc. and I think because of this I just don't fit in.  Even if I won the lottery tomorrow, the kind of car I would likely buy would be a very serviceable economy car and a Scout or an old Toyota Land Cruiser or something along those lines.  If my Nissan would just get running right, I would be 100% happy to just keep it.    I mean I know I am liked, just not the person that seems to be the "friend" that is included, you know?  This sounds whiny, huh? 

To kind of continue on what I wrote last week, I found another article that was interesting to read with regards to children and early learning......  Teaching our children to write, read and spell  They have some very interesting ideas and reasons why it isn't for all children and observing my own 4 year old I can see where they have a lot of valid points. 

This weekend I was shopping at Costco and then Safeway --we needed to pick up a prescription for Bob since he hurt his hip/leg and has been suffering with pain LONG enough and we needed a new Microwave since I kind of ruined ours for use in the kitchen after trying an experiment with it...  Don't ask... LONG story.  Not everything on Pinterest works.......  so Sarah was wanting some fruit, like grapes and I was really hankering for some asparagus.  The Blue berries looked really nice as well.  I started checking where they were from......  I decided to forgo that fruit until it got in season and we will just eat frozen for now.  Oh, BTW the asparagus, was from Chile.......  That prompted a brief geography lesson, right there in Costco amongst the salad mixes and mangos.

ANYWAY:  This week I need to get ready for Weather studies next month (we are going to look at our rain gauge every morning after a rain--OK every morning here...  LOL) and talk about clouds and rain and sunshine and that will lead into spring planting in March and April....  I also need to, on that note, get paper and pen out and work on our planting along with getting our carpet cleaned in the next couple weeks.  Then I plan to have someone come in and do some cleaning I can't do easily.  BUSY times to come and then spring planting.  I can't wait to find time to sew later! 

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