Sunday, October 30, 2011

This and That

A few pictures I finally downloaded from the camera.   :-)  

I had a blast last night out with some girlfriends and today the festivities continued with a party with home-school friends and tomorrow we have trick or treating.  I am going to be happy to be done though.  :-)  We have been in a state of excitement for two weeks!  

Today Sarah and Daddy worked on numbers in a very unique way, as maybe only a daddy can fathom?  Anyways they a card game together.  It was funny to listen to them interact while playing.  As I write this they are starting to carve their pumpkin.

Making Applesauce

Hubby dressed up 

Making a twisted tree
Overseeing some younguns
playing Pumpkin Bowling

Outside my window... Rain and clouds and crisp temperatures.
I am thinking... While little gym is now (as of yesterday) no more the next chapter should be a good one.

I am thankful wonderful husband and daughter.  Good friends and laughter.

I am remembering... I have a case brief due Tuesday......

I am going... to send out Thanksgiving invites soon

I am currently reading...text books and Court Rules

I am hoping... to get some more done in the basement this week

On my mind... my mom

Noticing child is more active than most.....  but I suspect we are just more lenient than many is closer to the real case.

Pondering these thoughts...  Corporate greed and corruption.  Why this is something we abhor  as a nation.  Praying also for the families that have lost loved ones in the military recently. 

From the kitchen... Canned pears

Around the house...Football and Jazz playing in the background

One of my favorite things…Hot chocolate and a good movie.

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